Mini Dab Rig Kit with Reclaim Catcher
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Mini Dab Rig Kit with Reclaim Catcher
This is the perfect starter dab rig kit that comes with a 6" showerhead dab rig, reclaim catcher, and quartz banger. It is a compact dab rig kit so it is great to use any where with easy convenience. The joint size on all items are 14mm to everything matches up nicely and the reclaim catcher in this kit includes the glass catcher dish as well as the plastic attachment clip. Mouth tip color on dab rig and plastic clip color vary and are chosen at random.
Kit Includes:
- Glass Water Dab Rig
- 6" Showerhead rig
- Reclaim Catcher 14mm (with dish and clip)
- Female quartz banger 14mm